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just one day with daddy
 For the first time ever, I had to stay home with just my immediate family (my hubby and kids), no relation or help around. And then I had to go to work, and the kids are on holiday. Then the problem of who stays with them at home arises.
After 8years of marriage I had to leave hubby alone at home with the kids, just the 4 of them, he has never been in that situation before, no help, no relation at home. Now that they are even grown, at least my daughter can fetch food for herself and  her brothers, and even feed her two years old brother. She can clean his bum after using the toilet and make him sleep. Unlike when I was fully at home, raising them, when they can not even undress themselves, I was doing everything for them.

 Men just want already made grownup kids; they don’t know or understand how much work & time women put in raising their kids.

Still on Easter holiday, the kids were on holiday and I had nobody or any help around at that time, and I couldn’t leave the kids alone all by themselves to go to work. I then remembered I had someone at home,I could use, thank God his job is unlike mine,  he is not answerable to anyone. If I miss work I must state the reason why I missed work or should miss work, unlike his job.
Hubby had to stay home with the kids that day, which was the only way out.

On my way to work not even quite long I left, hubby had called me several times; how do I do this? Who eats this & who eats that? Even though I cooked breakfast & lunch before going to work I still had to tell him where to find the gas lighter, tell him to make the food warm before giving them. “PHCN” didn’t favor him that day, so he couldn’t  make use of the microwave, to light the gas; his daughter had to help him.

  • Scattered living room; On getting back home, I met my house upside down, and then I was like “sweet” what happened?                                                                                                                      Him;  Haa, I got tired of telling them to stay one place & watch television, they were busy scattering books, toys and all. They even refused to sleep, even if it is for 10 minutes.                                                                                                                                                       Me; Anyways, they will clean up their mess themselves. Me clean up their mess? for what?
  • Biscuit juice and bread; O my God, if I should let this man stay home with the kids one more day, I will open a juice, biscuit and bread company. WHAAAT? Yes my kids can eat bread and biscuits for   Africa, but what I saw that day, my mouth can not say it all. I intentionally bought two loaves of bread for them that day, but I was not expecting them to finish the two loaves with biscuits too. hmmmmmm
They had almost half a carton of biscuit and two 2 packs of drink each. Again I asked “sweet” what happened. He replied; they wanted  bread,biscuit & drink, and they won’t stop disturbing me until I give them.
Me; please just buy more  tomorrow.
  • Food; the pot of rice I made for them for lunch was still untouched.
Me; “sweet, they didn’t eat?
Him; they said they were not feeling hungry.
Me; so that means they have not eaten till now?
Him; But they had bread, biscuits and juice.
Who waits for children to ask for food after eating all of that before feeding them?                                                  Me; Well, that means dinner is ready. Thank God.
Children; Mummy we like daddy staying at home with us. Daddy is the best daddy ever. 
  Me; why?
 Children; Today we had everything you refused giving us yesterday, daddy also took us out and bought ice  cream and lollipop for us which you promised to buy for us since last Sunday. He also allowed us to play outside.
  Hubby; yes they were disturbing me too much at home, so I decided to go buy them something and shut them up for a while.
  Me; so you are saying I should have been taking them out for ice-cream every day, all those while I was staying home with them?  
Hubby; I don’t know how you have been doing this all this while,or how you want to be doing it, but I’m not doing this again.

Hubby; please baby I want to sleep at 8pm, I need rest these children did not allow me to rest today.

Me; Hmm, which means I should be sleeping at 7pm.
Me; what did you even do that you are tired?
Hubby; Do you think staying home with these kids is easy? Are you not supposed to cook something special for me today, and also give me full body massage?

Me; like seriously?  I laughed in Latin. How will I know, I have not stayed at home with them before. Just for one day? And you are complaining, well then, I think we have to share this job. Or maybe I should be get a full body massage for all those days I stayed home alone with them.
Him; disappeared.

My sisters, that was what my husband told me for staying home with his 7, 5 & 2 years old kids just for one day. I  have been staying with them for the past 8years, so I  should go to NTA channel to make an announcement.       

Has your husband ever stayed  home alone with the kids? What was the experience like?


Would you let your husband stay home with your kids? As for me, I will let him do it over and over again.

Share with your brothers and husbands to encourage them to baby sit their kids, at least once in a week, and let their wives have a kid’s free time.

A man will complain just for one day, see the everyday experience of a mother HERE. And see who needs to sleep at 8pm.

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