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Being pregnant is quite a journey and here are few new year resolutions to help our mummies with protruding tummies go through the journey happily.

So many of us are in the business of making new year resolutions every year and falling out of it even before the year runs quarter, but if you are pregnant you really need to see and keep these resolutions.It will help you keep up hope even when you don't feel like.

Who said women are selfish? 'If I hear' when being pregnant is all about someone else,making sure that one person ( your baby) is fine and safe, enduring so many things, body pains and the rest, giving up so many things you like to eat and wear just for the sake of someone else.

 Carrying another human being in your tummy for full 9 months? Please praise every mother you know, it is not easy.


1. I WILL PAMPER MYSELF;  anyhow you want to do it, just pamper yourself, treat yourself like a queen, you may not get the time to do it again once the baby arrives. Check into a spa for a luxurious prenatal massage. Give yourself a treat with a very delicious pepper soup, go shopping, swimming, anything at all that helps you relax and makes you happy. Once the baby arrives you may not have time for yourself again.

2. I REALLY DON'T HAVE TO ASK GOOGLE EVERYTHING I HEAR ABOUT PREGNANCY. Whats the need huh?  Let it go, its not necessary asking google why your tummy is itching and you probably read some old wives tales about your baby's hair being the reason. FREE GOOGLE ABEG. You don't need to ask google how to keep fit when pregnant, you already know what to do. Save your data, after delivery you use to upload baby's picture on Facebook.

3. I WILL KEEP MYSELF FIT AND HEALTHY; it may be walking a few miles down the street or down the shopping mall, or doing some chores in the house, just be active and keep it you need it. Don't use pregnancy as an excuse to be lazy, take a walk, do some chores and be fit and healthy.

4. I'M NOT GONNA THROW TEMPER TANTRUMS; it is quite difficult not to throw temper tantrums while being pregnant, but you have to tell yourself you aren't gonna do it even if hubby pushes. KEEP YOUR COOL, IT WILL SOON BE OVER. Take time off to sleep, watch movies, visit friends and you won't have time to throw temper tantrums.

5. I WILL ENJOY MY OMUGWO (baby sitting); for me this is the best part of having a new baby, in fact it is making me think about going for number four. Start looking forward to omugwo few months before delivery, how to enjoy the company of your mom for one full month and you will see how happy being pregnant can make you be. OMUGWO IS SOOOOOO SWEEEEEEEET.

6. I WONT BE IN A HURRY TO LOOSE THE BABY WEIGHT; provided you eat right and very active (even bedmatics is a very good exercise) rest as much as possible, you are on the right track. Don't listen to those that claim they lost the baby weight within two months of delivery. DON'T BE UNDER PRESSURE TO LOOSE THE BABY FAT. The baby fat will go with time.

Is there any other thing you need to tell our pregnant mummies to help them in this beautiful journey? 

Our preggy mummies what will you do to /for yourself to make this journey easy and sweet for you.



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